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Yoga and non-yoga related facts (that have shaped who I am or have taken my yoga off the mat)


  • As a teen, I moved from NY to a beach in the Dominican Republic. It was beautiful, but we did not have a tv nor a phone. After the initial culture shock, I discovered my first life lesson in being truly present. I went to the beach daily, swam in the sea with my dog, met fun and interesting friends, learned to windsurf, play dominoes and cook. This is also why going to the beach always feels like going home.


  • I have 3 grown kids who all bend down in order to hug me because thankfully they are all much taller than me. All of them will actually do yoga with me!  ​


  • I went to college in Washington, DC and stayed in the area. I live (and teach) in suburban Maryland, but will drive to DC for a good class. 


  • Going to hear live music lights me up. I love the Grateful Dead, but I also love so many different kinds of music. Most of my Instagram posts have a bootleg version of a Dead song because those don't usually land me in “Instagram jail”.


  • I have also been known to take road trips for both concerts and yoga workshops.


  • Every year on my birthday, I do 1 sun salutation for evey year. Plus 1 for good luck. I started doing this when I turned 30. Every few years, I invite people to join me. I had the biggest turnout when I turned 50. We saluted the sun to live music.


  • I love to travel and to find yoga studios while traveling and take local classes. I have taken classes at studios in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Israel.  


  • When I’m not doing yoga, I’m usually cooking. I make the best Chicken Soup.


  • I have been doing a handstand every day for almost 3 years. My longest streak is 1,001 days.


  • Aerial yoga is the fountain of youth. As a breast cancer survivor, I practiced and taught yoga throughout much of my treatment. Despite having a daily yoga practice, I would still wake up sore every day. Even a full year after treatment, and a daily practice, I would wake up sore, do yoga, feel better, then wake up sore the following morning. When I discovered aerial yoga, it changed my life. It made me stronger, more flexible, and it broke up the scar tissue. I no longer wake up sore. This was so life changing, I wanted to share it with others so became certified to teach it.

Why Rocknyoga?

I needed an Instagram in order to join an igyoga challenge. It was hosted by a yoga teacher and friend. I thought I was too old, but my kids encouraged me to do it. So I needed a name. Besides my family and friends, my favorite things are yoga and music. Thus, @rocknyoga was created and it stuck. Now I am always doing yoga challenges on instagram, and I'm always living my yoga no matter where I am. 

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