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Are you teaching online or in person?

At the moment, I am teaching some classes on zoom and others in person with a zoom option. 


How can I book an in person or online private lesson?

Send me a message and we can schedule it. 


Why take a private yoga lesson?

In a private lesson, I am able to customize class to you. I like to think of myself as a yoga coach, helping you achieve your goals. Those goals vary per student and even vary per week. Furthermore, not everyone wants to be in a class or maybe they can’t find a class time and level that fits in their schedule. Many students find private classes are the perfect way to begin or further their yoga journey.


How is a live online class different than a prerecorded video? 

When a student takes an online class, they become part of a community. There is often a sense of camaraderie and accountability. Students have the option to have their video on or off. They can ask questions about poses and get feedback about their personal practice. Ever the optimist, I am always seeing the good and the progress in my students. I am known to enthusiastically tell everyone how awesome they are, remind them of how far they have come, and offer variations in order to help students achieve their goals. In every class I teach, no matter the style or size, I always have the same goal: I want my students to fell like themselves but better by the end of class. 


What are you certified to teach?

I have my 200hr ytt from Lighthouse Yoga Center in DC.

I also have certifications from:



Flow & Fly (Aerial levels 1, 2, and aerial restorative)

Yoga Wall level 1


*I have also done additional trainings and immersions,

just for the love of yoga and to be more knowledgeable.


How long have you been teaching?

I have been teaching mat yoga for 10 years and aerial yoga for 2 years.


Do you have a favorite pose?

My favorite poses vary by the week. I usually have a rotating top 5 list of poses. They usually include some of but are not limited to the following: Handstand, Wheel, Wild Thing, Triangle, and Scorpion (either on hands or forearms), Half Moon, Tree, Firecrow, Compass, and Lizard.  


Why do you teach aerial yoga?

The most versatile transformative prop I have ever used is an aerial hammock. Aerial yoga changed my life. Not only did it break up the scar tissue from breast cancer surgery and radiation, it gave me greater strength and flexibility. My mat yoga was improving slowly and steadily but felt like it had plateaued. Once I started aerial yoga, mat poses that eluded me for years suddenly became possible. Plus, it’s just really fun. So I became certified to teach it in order to share this transformational practice. Also, some of the students who benefit the most are not looking to go upside down. They use the hammock for stability and support in order to achieve poses that are not attainable on their mats. It is very empowering.


Why do you handstand daily?

The short answer is because I can. It’s also good to flip your perspective sometimes.

The longer answer is because I was trying to overcome my fear of handstanding in the middle of the room (without a wall). I joined the Resolution Handstand Instagram yoga challenge in 2018 and just sort of stuck with it. I figure practice makes progress. This is my third year of daily handstands. 

I don’t necessarily recommend that for anyone else, but if you want to get better, you need to practice more. Just going from 1 to 2 or 3 times a week makes a tremendous difference. This is also why I’m going to offer 30 minute inversion mini practices on zoom.  It’s not a huge time commitment, and it can provide an opportunity to get upside down in order to supplement your regular yoga practice.

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